CeraPhi Energy


CeraPhi Energy and Geothermal Ukraine Join Forces to Unleash Ukraine’s Vast Geothermal Potential

CeraPhi Energy and Geothermal Ukraine Join Forces to Unleash Ukraine’s Vast Geothermal Potential 28th May 2024 CeraPhi Energy, a world leader in advanced closed-loop geothermal solutions, and NGO Geothermal Ukraine (GU), a non-profit pioneering geothermal research and development organisation, today announced the signing of a Heads of Terms agreement.  This landmark collaboration unites CeraPhi’s proprietary CeraPhiWell™ technology with GU’s extensive scientific expertise to accelerate the deployment of geothermal energy across Ukraine. Ukraine possess immense geothermal potential, with an estimated over 10 gigawatts (GW) of power and heat generation capacity based on information from the National Academy of Science of Ukraine. CeraPhi Energy’s closed-loop CeraPhiWell™ system offers a unique solution for harnessing this potential by repurposing end-of-life oil and gas wells or deploying newly drilled medium-depth wells for heating, cooling, and power generation.  In collaboration with other geothermal solution providers, CeraPhi Energy also provides hybrid solutions for geothermal energy deployment with a geothermal anywhere and everywhere approach. CeraPhi CEO Karl Farrow said, “Ukraine has a rich history as an industrialised nation with a legacy oil and gas sector.  CeraPhi can strengthen that with our expertise in geothermal energy, combined with our proprietary well-repurposing technology and experienced management team, helping Ukraine’s energy security and decarbonisation efforts.” Geothermal energy presents a promising solution to Ukraine’s many energy challenges – dependence on imported fossil fuels, aging infrastructure, and geopolitical tensions all affect energy security.  By tapping into this renewable resource, Ukraine can diversify its energy mix, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, stimulate economic growth, and create new job opportunities.  Ukraine has significant conventional geothermal potential, particularly in its western regions.  There are over 10000 oil and gas wells in the western part of the country and it is expected that over 1000 of these might be repurposed for geothermal energy production. “Our collaboration with CeraPhi Energy represents a significant stride towards realising our vision of establishing geothermal energy as a cornerstone of Ukraine’s renewable energy landscape,” said Taras Popadynets, Head of Geothermal Ukraine.  “Together, we possess the knowledge, experience, and drive to turn this ambition into a tangible reality that will benefit generations to come.” Key objectives of the partnership include feasibility assessments for repurposing existing oil and gas infrastructure, joint research and development initiatives, comprehensive workforce training programs, and public outreach campaigns to raise awareness of the geothermal energy benefits. With an unwavering commitment to sustainability and energy independence, CeraPhi Energy and Geothermal Ukraine are poised to make a lasting impact on Ukraine’s energy sector, fostering economic prosperity, environmental stewardship, and a resilient future powered by the earth’s boundless heat.

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Making farming sustainable with geothermal energy

Making farming sustainable with geothermal energy 28 March 2024 We are working with Wellfield Farm in North Yorkshire and other partners to spearhead a groundbreaking project aimed at revolutionising farming practices and enhance sustainability through the repurposing of existing depleted deep gas wells to produce geothermal energy. David Ward, Co-Owner, of Wellfield Farm said;This is an exciting time for the future of my farm and other farmers looking to diversify. I am delighted to be working with a range of experts in this field to create a circular approach to our farming, combining waste materials and a renewable heat source to establish a low carbon energy and biofuel/fertiliser market in our local economy. Russell Hoare, Director or Yorkshire Projects for CeraPhi Energy added;This project allows us to repurpose our wells for innovative research and development. If these feasibility studies prove to be successful we envisage the AD plant would provide heat, biofuels and fertiliser to local farmers (potentially using an existing subterranean redundant pipeline system for local distribution of biogas). The biofuel could also be exported to the gas grid via the existing redundant pipeline. If successful, this could provide a national solution for dealing with depleted fossil fuel wells, allowing other landowners and farmers to seize the opportunity created by the repurposing of these assets. The project is supported by the Innovate UK Farming Innovation Programme which seeks to explore the potential of utilising geothermal energy to enhance the efficiency of Anaerobic Digestion (AD) plants.

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Grant Awarded to Pickering Town for Heat Assessment

Grant Awarded to Pickering Town for Heat Assessment 28 March 2024 Pickering Town Community Interest Company (CIC) has been awarded a £36,000 grant from the Shared Prosperity Fund managed by North Yorkshire Council to assess the viability of a geothermal heat network for the town of Pickering, using both existing redundant gas wells located near to the town as well as new boreholes. Working with CeraPhi Energy, the UK’s leading geothermal engineering company, and Third Energya local energy company that owns several wells in Ryedale(now a fully owned subsidiary of CeraPhi Limited), the work will build on an assessment already conducted by CeraPhi into decarbonising the Pickering Swimming and Fitness Centre, work that was completed in late 2023 and funded through a grant from the UK Government’s Heat Networks Delivery Unit. This new study will consider a hub-and-spoke approach to cover as much of the geographical footprint of the town as possible. The southern geothermal hub will incorporate both new wells and two of Third Energy’s existing wells that are located about 1.5 km south of the town. In addition to the swimming pool and fitness centre, the study will also incorporate residential properties, businesses, local schools and other public buildings. Using geothermal heat for a community heat network will result in a sustainable and virtually carbon-free heating solution and should also significantly reduce ongoing heating costs for any business or customers connected to the network. Mike Potter, CIC Board Member said “I have been working with Third Energy on the repurposing of their redundant gas infrastructure for several years. Converting this infrastructure for sustainable energy usage to the benefit of the town in the form of lower energy costs but with a significantly smaller carbon footprint is a very exciting possibility. Having CeraPhi Energy involved means we have some of the UK’s leading geothermal engineers assisting us with the assessment.” Russell Hoare, former MD of Third Energy and now Director of Yorkshire Projects for CeraPhi Energy added “We have been working on several geothermal repurposing projects in the surrounding area and have had success in a lot of feasibility work, but this project has the potential to reach many more consumers, businesses and residents than any of our other projects. It’s great to be working with the CIC on this exciting opportunity.” Gary Williams, COO of CeraPhi Energy said “Combining Third Energy’s assets and local knowledge with our geothermal engineering skills means we can provide a bespoke heat network solution for the town of Pickering. This builds on the recent geothermal demonstrator well we operated on one of the Third Energy wells near Kirby Misperton and the work we have already done on the Pickering Swimming and Fitness Centre in town and we look forward to taking this project forward with the CIC.”   ENDS About CeraPhi® CeraPhi is a vertically integrated Geothermal Development Company with proprietary technology and a mission to unlock the thermal heat underground to deliver sustainable, continuous, and totally green 24/7 baseload energy under a “plug and Play” sustainable technology platform anywhere and everywhere. Invest in CeraPhi here https://ceraphi.com/invest/

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Whitebark Energy Limited signs Heads of Terms with Geothermal Developer CeraPhi Energy

Whitebark Energy Limited signs Heads of Terms with Geothermal Developer CeraPhi Energy 28 March 2024 Whitebark Energy Limited (ASX:WBE) is pleased to announce the signing of a Heads of Terms with international Geothermal Developer CeraPhi Energy to support the development of the Company’s Australian based Geothermal assets. CeraPhi Energy specialises in Geothermal technology solutions and delivery, including providing Geothermal development consultancy services and deploying it’s proprietary CeraPhiWell™ technology. The newly formalised collaboration follows Whitebark’s recent announcement of its successful award of an exploration license application for Geothermal Energy (‘EPG’) consisting of 190 sub-blocks within the Greater Brisbane and Gold Coast Region, approximately 25km from Brisbane in South-East Queensland. CeraPhi will support Whitebark as a strategic development partner using its proprietary closed-loop technology CeraPhiWell™, a technology that is geologically agnostic and deployable anywhere providing a significant de-risk in new geothermal developments. The technology also enables the reuse of end of production Oil and Gas wells helping Whitebarks ambitions to become a leader in Australia’s energy transition. The EPG2037 tenement covers an area of approximately 589 square kilometres, prospective for the generation and sale of geothermal power which Whitebark believes will be a future source of base-load renewable energy for the region. Initial indications from offset well data indicate an elevated geothermal gradient in the area with considerable potential to produce long-term, dispatchable renewable energy for the Southeast Queensland region. Whitebark General Manager, Adam Stepanoff said: “This relationship with CeraPhi is a fundamental part of our strategy in becoming a leader in the country’s energy transition. CeraPhi’s technology and expertise will help deliver on this vision through significantly enhancing exploration and development outcomes and provide further value to shareholders. Geothermal energy remains a reliable and cost-effective renewable energy source with the ability to provide base-load power and developing this as part of our energy mix will be critical as we work towards achieving Net Zero targets.” Founder and Chief Executive Officer of CeraPhi Energy, Karl Farrow said; “We look forward to working with Adam and the Whitebark team in delivering on their ambitions in the region, these tenements present a huge opportunity to scale geothermal energy and for Australia to become a major player in the geothermal sector. We have undertaken several studies in the region and have been sharing ideas and exploring opportunities for many months with Adam, it’s exciting to now be at the start of what we hope is the execution and delivery stage with a strategy for development set in motion.” About CeraPhi Energy As a world leader in advanced closed loop geothermal, CeraPhi Energy provides a unique differentiator in the development and delivery of commercial scalable heat networks and self-sustainable energy hubs. CeraPhiWellTM proprietary deep geothermal energy generator, provides the efficiency and durability of large scale Geothermal without the associated risks. CeraPhiWellTM is a self-contained closed-loop system (AGS – Advanced Geothermal System) installed at several KM depth accessing stable and deep geothermal heat. It is ideal for repurposing end of life Oil and Gas wells with possible offtakes in large-scale district heating projects or industrial uses where producing heat is a major component of the operational costs. As part of its integrated approach, CeraPhi Energy can also deliver wastewater treatment, desalination, hydrogen production, and agriculture. The CeraPhi Energy Combined Heat & Power (CHP) solution is modular, scalable, and can be applied virtually anywhere unlike conventional Geothermal. CeraPhi Energy encompasses a highly skilled, talented and focused team with operational excellence which encompasses specialists in engineering and management, subsurface and topside modelling, innovative novel approach patented systems, proprietary innovation and technology. A major focus is avoiding significant commercial risk in exploration drilling costs. ThisASXannouncementhasbeenapprovedandauthorisedforreleaseby theBoardofWhitebark Energy Limited and CeraPhi Energy. AboutWhitebarkEnergyLimited Whitebark Energy Limited (ASX:WBE) (“Whitebark” or the “Company”) is an ASX-listed exploration and production company featuring low cost oil and gas production in Canada, operated by its wholly-owned subsidiary Rex Energy (Rex); and a substantial contingent gas resource in Western Australia. WBE has realigned its corporate strategy following a comprehensive management changeout and the landmarkacquisition ofa 100% interest in theWizard Lakeproducing asset located in theprolific oil& gas provinceof Alberta, Canada.

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CeraPhi Acquires former fracking company…

CeraPhi Acquires former fracking company… 5th February 2024 CeraPhi Energy has acquired the business of Third Energy Limited, a former shale gas development company with plans to repurpose the existing wells into clean geothermal energy centres. The acquisition includes the subsidiaries, namely Third Energy Trading Limited, Wolfland Renewables Limited, Wolfland Utilities Limited, Third Energy UK Gas Limited, and the 50% holding in West Heslerton Renewables Limited. The assets located in North Yorkshire UK, include 8 well sites consisting of 12 former gas wells in a suspended state, 22.4 km of 6-inch and 16.6 km of 3-inch subterranean pipelines and a further 22.4 km of buried fibre optic comms lines. CeraPhi is the UK’s leading closed-loop geothermal energy developer using its proprietary CeraPhiWell™ system and CeraPhiPro™ modelling software providing an end-to-end solution for closed-loop geothermal energy anywhere for everyone. CeraPhi completed a commercial demonstration of its CeraPhiWell™ system earlier in the summer using the Third Energy KMA site. CeraPhi’s strategy is to de-risk the scaling and commercialisation of large-scale heat networks using boreholes down to a depth of 2km, reducing the space required for deployment of large-scale systems and increasing the extraction of thermal energy available for network connections. By both drilling new wells and repurposing end-of-life and non-producing oil and gas wells, the CeraPhi solution will provide “huge commercial potential” for the scaling of geothermal heat networks in the UK and globally.  CeraPhi Energy™ CEO Karl Farrow said:  “The decarbonisation of heat represents a huge UK and global challenge in meeting our net zero targets. Combined with the continued insecurity customers face with volatility and seasonal cost of fossil fuels, we have to move geothermal energy to scale to reduce the cost of deploying direct use heat, which is an endless resource not subject to price fluctuation, enabling a move away from our dependency on fossil fuels within our day to day energy mix. By using the inexhaustible resource beneath our feet using closed-loop technology we can access this energy anywhere with zero environmental risk, requiring no hydraulic fracturing, no use of water and providing enough energy within the next 15 years to solve our energy crisis indefinitely. “ Third Energy Managing Director Russell Hoare said:  “At Third Energy we’ve been pursuing a transition strategy for several years now with geothermal energy at the centre of that strategy and in CeraPhi we have found a capable and accomplished partner, as proven by the successful geothermal demonstrator project at our KMA site this summer. Bringing together the expertise of CeraPhi with the assets of Third Energy is a natural progression and I look forward to working with Karl and his team to continue the story.”

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Karl Farrow CeraPhi

Geothermal Energy gets a Financial Boost…

Geothermal Energy gets a Financial Boost… 28th January 2024 UK Geothermal Energy pioneers CeraPhi Energy, and Climate Change Ventures (CCV), the integrated financial services and green project development specialists, have joined forces to exploit their knowledge and experience in bringing terrestrial, thermally derived green energy to the marketplace with CCV facilitating significant investment in CeraPhi’ s portfolio of projects.  CeraPhi has pioneered the use of advanced “closed loop” geothermal technologies, which can be optimised to re-use redundant Oil and Gas wells in a cost-effective, highly efficient way. With a portfolio of acquisitions, they are now set to exploit a series of opportunities, promising shortened development timeframes, and much needed, 24/7 supplies of heat and derived energy at attractive costs of production. CCV, is bringing project finance, using a “Green Bond” mechanism to enable CeraPhi to help realise their vision to exploit “the heat beneath our feet”. The arrangement was concluded in an agreement between both parties signed by Karl Farrow, CEO of CeraPhi, and Horacio Carvalho, CEO of CCV. Karl Farrow said, “CeraPhi has developed a portfolio of projects around the reusing of end-of-life Oil and Gas wells over the last 12 months, whilst working with CCV to develop a viable financial model to accelerate our project development as a leader in the geothermal energy utility space.” The availability of funding through the facility set up by CCV will allow the company to deliver multiple commercial-scale geothermal energy projects, which will help consolidate our position as a leader in the geothermal energy space. We are a mission-driven business and initiatives like this are what are required to shift the trajectory in carbon reduction and to help governments achieve Net Zero targets”. Horacio Carvalho commented, “We have been observing the innovative approach to green heat and power production adopted by CeraPhi for some time now, and we have grown to appreciate the true potential that they can provide for reducing greenhouse gases and making our planet a safer place. We are delighted to be working alongside them in funding our joint ambition to bring to the market their contribution to solving the climate crisis problem. Exciting times lie ahead.”

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CeraPhi Awarded “One to Watch” Award

CeraPhi AwARDED “One to Watch” Award 5th December EEEGR Awards Dinner & End Of Year Celebration Celebrating another award for the Geothermal Development Company – CeraPhi Energy team at the EEEGR (East of England Energy Group) Annual Awards Ceremony “One to Watch” 2023, Dunston Hall Estate fantastic achievement to the team and the efforts and milestones achieved this year….  The EEEGR awards and end of year dinner brings together the East of England’s business community to celebrate the amazing achievements and milestones of our local companies, individuals and EEEGR members. One to Watch – sponsored by Generate – new start ups or small businesses (open to all)  

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CeraPhi Drilling Solutions is born

CeraPhi Drilling Solutions is born 21  November 2023 CeraPhi Energy has launched its Drilling Solutions business, providing the perfect platform to install CeraPhiWell systems.  The CeraPhi Drilling Solutions business plans to target deeper well drilling from around 500 metres to 2000 meters. The plan is to access better quality temperatures for next generation ambient loop heat networks. By increasing the recoverable temperature, it reduces the temperature differential. This increases the coefficient of performance of the system, reducing cost and increasing operational margins and system performance. CeraPhi Drilling Solutions Director Paul Fowler said: “This is a great opportunity to provide a scalable solution to maximise the abundance of thermal energy from the heat beneath our feet. The deeper we go, the hotter it gets and drilling to a higher quality heat provides significant benefits for the future of heat networks and the resilience of those systems we install. The interest from the MOD, developers on residential projects, individuals looking to decarbonise private estates, distilleries, football stadiums, schools and leisure centres has been incredible, we already have more than 5 projects in the pipeline which will be delivered within the next 6 months.” CEO of CeraPhi Energy Karl Farrow said: “It’s a natural go-to market strategy for the deployment of our CeraPhiWell solution. It will manage drilling risk and provide an integrated delivery solution taking the heat directly to our customer interconnections and offtakes. It will enable them to connect their heat pumps directly to a higher quality and more efficient source of energy”. CeraPhi has started drilling on projects within the UK. Over the coming months they will invest extensively in their capacity to install fully integrated heat network systems through their Drilling Solutions Business for the USA market within the first quarter of 2024. By the end of 2024, they hope to be providing fully integrated system networks to projects around Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New York State.

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Announcement: Loss of our dear friend and colleague Glen Falco

Announcement: Loss of our dear friend and colleague Glen Falco 14 November 2023 Glynn Roy Falco (Glen) 08.09.1961 – 20.10.2023 It is with a heavy heart that we have to announce we have sadly lost one of our team. Glen Falco supported CeraPhi Energy since the journey began. He was one of our original shareholders and came on board as a valued member of our team to take up the role of HSEQ manager. Glen brought with him decades of experience in managing situations and procedures safely and he steered us through the vast amounts of paperwork to get us approved to ISO 9001/14001/45001 and to ensure we maintained these standards. He was one of the most vigilant HSEQ managers we’ve ever worked with. However he did this in a way that got everyone on board, he didn’t shout or moan, he encouraged and helped and used his calm approach to steer people into doing the right things. Glen believed with all of his heart in the CeraPhi mission and I am so pleased he managed to get to site to see all of our hard work come to fruition at the proof of concept demo project in Yorkshire. It was soon after this visit when he took ill and began the battle to fight off the cancer that had returned, which was sadly one fight too much for him. Glen was very much a family man and he leaves behind his beloved partner, Ness, his daughter Leah and his parents Ernie and Rose.  Glen had a personality, warmth and gentleness that touched everyone he met. He was a true gentleman. To lose him so suddenly after this last illness was a shock for all of us, but especially his family to whom our hearts go out unconditionally. He will be missed more than we can say, he will stay in our hearts and will always be part of the team. Bless you Glen

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Making all-year-round fruit, veg and tea commercially viable

Making all-year-round fruit, veg and tea commercially viable 4 July 2023 CeraPhi Energy featured by Agri-Tech E’s supporting innovation – ‘Energy costs have challenged horticulture this year and questioned the viability of vertical farming, but a solution may come from geothermal energy, according to Karl Farrow, founder and CEO of CeraPhi Energy.’ Click here to view the article.

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