CeraPhi Energy

CeraPhi Energy Achieves Living Wage Accreditation

12 January 2023

We are delighted to announce that CeraPhi Energy is now fully accredited as a living wage employer.

Our accreditation comes via the Living Wage Foundation and – as part of that – we have pledged to publicly commit to fair pay, have received full accreditation from the Foundation and are committed to annual pay increases linked to the cost of living. By paying the real Living Wage we are committing to making sure all CeraPhi staff earn a wage which is enough to live on.

This is an important accreditation for CeraPhi Energy which – as a business – has corporate social responsibility and fairness running at the heart of its DNA.

As part of our accreditation, we will be displaying the Living Wage Employer Mark and will be featuring our commitment across merchandise and digital assets – all provided as part of the Living Wage Foundation membership package. We will also be listed on the Foundation’s website and employer map.

For CeraPhi Energy this is not just about doing the right thing, this is an accreditation which makes total business sense, making sure we attract the very best employees and retain them by paying the Living Wage.

To find out more about the CeraPhi Energy Technology follow us on LinkedIn, or view our video.